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「嶺大@西九龍」校外學習中心暨嶺南藝術雙年節2023數碼藝術展「數碼攸關」 開幕典禮

Wed Dec 13, 2023
位於西九文化區M+大樓的全新校外學習中心「嶺大@西九龍」於12月7日正式揭幕,同場舉行一連10日的嶺南藝術雙年節2023數碼藝術展「數碼攸關」,獲多位嘉賓、藝術家、師生和校友親身到場見證。了解更多︰ was officially opened at the M+ Tower of West Kowloon Cultural District on 7 December. A 10-day Lingnan Arts Biennale 2023 Digital Art Exhibition - Digital Matter was also held at Lingnan@WestKowloon on the same day, bringing together distinguished guests, artists, faculty and alumni for this remarkable occasion.Read more: