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嶺南 - 元培STEM暑期學苑 2024 Lingnan-Yuanpei STEM Summer Academy 2024

Wed Jul 3, 2024
【嶺大與北大首辦創新創業訓練營暨STEM競賽 推動綠色智能技術🌱】恭喜「可持續的綠色建築」團隊的同學🎊,於嶺南大學與北京大學元培學院首次合辦的「嶺南 - 元培STEM暑期學苑」STEM競賽獲得冠軍!得獎方案以嶺大校園新建築作為綠色建築設計的藍圖,回應香港實現碳中和目標和可持續發展的願景。兩校合共30位學生組成五隊隊伍參與是次比賽。在過去兩個月參與一系列線上和線下的研討會、講座和沉浸式工作坊,同學在經驗豐富的企業家和頂尖科學家的指導下,設計不同創新創業方案進行比拼、交流知識,及促進實踐可持續發展。✨了解更多:【Promoting ‘Smart Green Technology’ in the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Camp-cum-STEM Competition hosted by Lingnan and PKU 🌱】Congratulations 🎊! The project "Sustainable Green Building" team won the championship in the first Lingnan-Yuanpei STEM Summer Academy, organised by Lingnan University and Yuanpei College of Peking University (PKU), Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Camp-cum-STEM Competition. The winning project uses Lingnan's new building as a benchmark for designing a green building that aligns with Hong Kong's carbon neutrality goal and sustainable development vision.Thirty students from both universities formed five teams to compete on various innovative and entrepreneurial smart green technological projects. They have attended online and offline seminars, lectures, and immersive workshops over the past two months held by experienced business people and top scientists to design imaginative and enterprising projects for the STEM competition, explore new ideas, and enhance sustainable development practices. ✨Read more: #lingnan #liberalarts #LingnanYuanpeiSTEMSummerAcademy #PekingUniversity #YuanpeiCollege #sustainabledevelopment #嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #嶺南元培STEM暑期學苑 #北京大學 #元培學院 #可持續發展