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Nurture the NEXTGEN Leaders — Internship Programme 培養下一代領袖——學生實習計劃

Thu Oct 12, 2023
嶺南大學致力為未來社會領袖開闊視野,三位獲得「美國嶺南基金會陳榮捷獎學金項目」的校友余安生、黃泳豪和譚振美,為大家分享在美國參與線上實習計劃和結業之旅的難忘回憶。捐款支持嶺南大學發展,攜手培育未來社會棟樑: University endeavours to broaden the horizon of future social leaders. Our alumni, Anson Yu, Ringo Wong and Tammy Tam, share their unforgettable moments during the Virtual Internship and Capstone trip to the US through the Lingnan W.T. Chan Fellowships sponsored by Lingnan Foundation.Support Lingnan University now and join us to nurture the future pillars of society: #lingnan #liberalarts #NurtureTheNEXTGENLeaders #LingnanFoundation #SupportingLeadership #Empowerment #BrighterFuture #嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #培養下一代領袖 #美國嶺南基金會 #培育領導才能 #未來路向 #賦能 #光明未來