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運動員袁泳琪: 「人要有目標,不然就會整日渾渾噩噩。」

Thu Jun 27, 2024
「乒乓球運動好像一場打怪獸的遊戲,當中有很多級別的關卡,中途會令你懷疑自己、甚至想放棄。但每次過關後,感覺到球技進步了,便會更加努力鑽研自己的技術。」袁泳琪,中國香港輪椅乒乓球運動員,於2023/24學年透過「頂尖運動員直接入學計劃」入讀嶺大動畫及數碼藝術(榮譽)文學士課程一年級。她患有俗稱「玻璃骨」的成骨不全症,更接受過矯形手術,自小對進出醫院並不陌生。然而疾病沒有磨蝕她對乒乓球的熱愛,過去的艱辛成就今天堅毅不屈的泳琪,近年她於國際賽事屢獲獎項,包括2019年IWAS世界運動會殘疾人乒乓球女子TT1-5級單打公開賽銅牌、2023年IWAS世界運動會女子 WS4 級單打銅牌及混合 XD10 級雙打銅牌。訪問全文:''Table tennis resembles a game of battling monsters, filled with numerous levels and challenges that might lead you to doubt yourself or even contemplate giving up. But each time you overcome a challenge and feel your skills progressing, it motivates you to work even harder on your technique.''Yuen Wing-ki is a para table tennis player from Hong Kong, China, who joined the first year of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Animation and Digital Arts (ADA) at Lingnan University for the 2023/24 academic year through the Direct Entry Stream for Top Athletes (DESTA).Wing-ki suffers from Osteogenesis Imperfecta, commonly referred to as brittle bone disease. She undergone orthopaedic surgery, and frequent hospital visits have always been a part of her life, nevertheless her condition has not dampened her passion for table tennis. Her resilience, shaped by hardship, has led to numerous awards in international competitions, including the bronze medal in the Women's TT1-5 Singles Open at the 2019 IWAS World Games, and also in both the Women’s Singles WS4 and Mixed Doubles XD10 at the 2023 IWAS World Games.Read more: