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精英學生運動員吳志恒在嶺大成就夢想 Elite student-athlete Ng Chi-hang pursues his dream at LU

Tue Jan 10, 2023
[Interview] Ng Chi-hang, who joined the Lingnan family this academic year, is an elite boccia player who has competed in numerous local events, and represented Hong Kong in the Asian Para Games in 2014 and the 10th National Para Games and 7th Special Olympics in 2019. Click here for the story:[專訪] 在本學年加入嶺南大家庭的吳志恒是一名硬地滾球精英運動員,曾參與無數本地賽事,並曾代表香港於2014年出戰亞洲殘疾人運動會,及於2019年出戰全國第十屆殘疾人運動會暨第七屆特殊奧林匹克運動會。按此閱讀全文: