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傳統陶藝之旅:瓷器裝飾工作坊 A Hands-on Journey of Traditional Ceramic Art: Porcelain Decoration Workshop

Fri Jul 26, 2024
早前嶺大舉辦「傳統陶藝之旅:瓷器裝飾工作坊」,讓公眾有機會親自體驗陶瓷藝術的創作,一眾參加者即場發揮創意,打造獨一無二的作品! 立即去片,重溫當日的精彩片段。此外,嶺大少雪齋藝術展覽館正舉辦「感物」展覽第二期,想近距離欣賞約30件從宋朝到二十世紀的少雪齋珍藏繪畫及陶瓷作品的話,立即按此預約免費參觀: University recently organised a porcelain decoration workshop, allowing participants to experience the creative process and craft unique works. Relive the highlights through our captivating video!The Chamber of Young Snow Art Exhibition Hall is also exhibiting about 30 Chinese paintings and ceramics dating from the Song Dynasty to the 20th century. Immerse yourself in this rich cultural heritage, and you can even book a guided tour.Book your free visit now: #ChamberofYoungSnowArtExhibitionHall #porcelain #ceramic #嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #少雪齋藝術展覽館 #藝術 #少雪齋 #青花瓷 #陶瓷