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The role of AI in teaching humanities as told by Lingnan Historian 人工智能在人文教學中的角色:嶺南歷史學家的見解

Fri Jun 7, 2024
In recent years, blending tech tools with history has transformed how we study the past. Instead of manually sifting through vast volumes of text to extract insights, historians now have access to sources at their fingertips. Prof Vincent S. Leung, Lingnan University's Associate Professor and Head of the Department of History disagrees says, "We are exploring how these innovations can deepen our comprehension of the past. With these new tools at our disposal, the role of historians will become even more important."近年來,科技工具與歷史的融合改變了我們研究過去的方式。歷史學家毋須再手動篩選大量文本以獲取真知灼見,這些資料現已變得觸手可及。嶺南大學歷史系系主任及副教授梁萃行教授表示:「我們正在探索這些創新方式如何深化我們對過去的理解。在這些新工具的協助下,歷史學家的角色將更形重要。」