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動畫及數碼藝術(榮譽)文學士課程:【窗內 窗外】 EP2

Fri Dec 30, 2022
阿南係動畫及數碼藝術課程嘅Year 2 學生。最近佢學識咗用3D modelling software 去呈現腦海中嘅故事。佢用咗一個學期嘅時間終於完成咗故事入面嘅女主角,越望越覺得呢個女仔好似似曾相識咁……Nam is a Year-2 student of Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Animation and Digital Arts programme at LU. After taking courses, he is now able to use 3D models to tell his stories. It took Nam a semester to finish the 3D model of the main actress of his story. Somehow, the 3D model gave Nam a feeling of déjà vu…