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Distinguished Scholars Seminar Series (Prof Sam Kwong Tak-wu) 傑出學者系列研討會(鄺得互教授)

Wed Dec 13, 2023
嶺南大學協理副校長(策略型研究)及計算智能學講座教授鄺得互教授為研究生院於12月7日主辦的第四場傑出學者系列研討會,主講「創造更美好的未來:利用人工智慧履行社會和環境責任」,深入剖析人工智能和機械人近年迅速冒起,將如何影響人類的工作和日常生活。了解更多︰ 7 December, Prof Sam Kwong Tak-wu, Associate Vice-President (Strategic Research) and Chair Professor of Computational Intelligence at Lingnan University, delivered a lecture on “Creating a Better Future: Harnessing AI for Social and Environmental Responsibility” for the fourth session of the Distinguished Scholars Seminar Series organised by School of Graduate Studies. He analysed how the rapid rise of artificial intelligence and robots in recent years will affect human work and daily life.Learn more: