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Lingnan University Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony 2023 嶺南大學榮譽院士頒授典禮2023

Thu Oct 12, 2023
嶺南大學於2023年10月12日舉行「榮譽院士頒授典禮2023」,由校董會副主席黃浩明先生頒授榮譽院士銜予三位傑出人士,包括:香港企業家莊成鑫先生,BBS、資深土木工程師及項目經理霍穎壎博士,以及工業界和地產界的翹楚高佩璇博士,BBS,JP,以表彰他們在其專業領域的卓越成就及造福社會的重要貢獻。了解更多: University held its Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony 2023 on 12 October 2023. Mr Augustine Wong Ho-ming, Deputy Chairman of the University Council, conferred honorary fellowships upon three distinguished individuals in recognition of their outstanding achievements in their respective professions and valuable contributions to the society.Read more: #lingnan #liberalarts #HonoraryFellowshipPresentationCeremony2023 #嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #榮譽院士頒授典禮2023