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New books interview – Prof Lau Chi-pang 專訪劉智鵬教授

Mon Sep 4, 2023
Prof Lau Chi-pang and his team have published an award-winning “Hand-in-Hand for Benevolence: 150 Years of History of The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals of Hong Kong”, and two other books on intangible cultural heritage of Hong Kong-style milk tea, cheongsam and kwan kwa. In this interview, Prof Lau discusses the methods and challenges in writing these books, and their significance for the historical research of Hong Kong.劉智鵬教授與團隊編撰了獲獎刊物《善道同行——東華三院一百五十周年史略》,以及兩本講述港式奶茶、中式長衫和裙褂的香港非遺書籍。劉教授在是次專訪中剖析編撰方法及困難,並探討三本書籍對香港歷史研究的重要意義。