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進擊之柔道女!嶺大女將雙雙奪金 Lingnan’s female athletes celebrate two golds

Wed May 22, 2024
【進擊之柔道女!嶺大女將雙雙奪金🥋🥇】楊雙如(工商管理,一年級)及吳仲雅(工商管理,二年級)兩位柔道女將,初次正式參賽便一舉奪得金牌,令人喜出望外!🏆立即去片,聽聽她們分享柔道的吸引之處,以及「撻人」與「畀人撻」的樂趣!🥰想知更多精彩內容?即看訪問全文:【Lingnan’s female athletes celebrate two golds🥋🥇】Yeung Sheung-yu (Business Administration, Year 1) and Ng Chung-nga (Business Administration, Year 2) judokas were overjoyed to stand on the podium at their first-ever official competition. They are excited to tell us how much fun they get from judo, and how much they enjoy throwing other contestants and being thrown on the ground! 🥰🏆Check out the full interview now! #lingnan #liberalarts #Lingnanian #judo #sports #JointCollegeJudoCompetition #嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #嶺南人 #柔道 #運動 #大專盃 #大專盃柔道賽