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嶺大升旗禮賀國慶74周年 Lingnan University holds Flag Raising Ceremony to mark 74th National Day

Tue Oct 10, 2023
To mark the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Lingnan University held a National Flag Raising Ceremony on 1 October on campus at the Chan Tak Tai Auditorium. It was attended by the Council Chairman of the University, Council members, Acting President, Associate Vice-President, department heads, staff and students.嶺南大學在10月1日舉行升旗儀式,慶祝中華人民共和國成立74周年。儀式於大學的陳德泰大會堂舉行。出席儀式的嘉賓包括校董會主席、校董會成員、署理校長、協理副校長、部門主管、教職員和學生等。