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Dinner for Graduating Students 2024 瑾社畢業同學晚宴

Thu May 30, 2024
The Dinner for Graduating Students 2024 at the New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel on 22 May was a resounding success. This year, there were 44 tables for over 500 welcome guests, including Council and Court Members, the President and University senior management, the Lingnan Education Organization, and representatives of our alumni, professors, and graduating students. It marked a new record for the highest attendance ever. The graduating students were joyously celebrated and received the best wishes of all attendees.「瑾社畢業同學晚宴」於5月22日假千禧新世界香港酒店圓滿舉行,今年筵開44席,逾500名賓客出席。當晚除了有2024年的畢業同學,還有大學校董會及諮議會成員、校長及大學管理層成員、嶺南教育機構及校友代表、教職員等歡聚一堂,一同為畢業同學送上祝福及鼓勵。