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嶺大舉辦「低碳流動家居展」 推廣節能減碳 Mobile Exhibition on Low Carbon Living

Mon Aug 26, 2024
嶺南大學一直致力於校園及社區推動可持續發展,其中嶺大服務研習處在2024年8月20及21日於屯門時代廣場南翼地下舉辦「低碳流動家居展」,展覽模擬了家居中「衣」、「食」、「住」、「行」的生活場景,以教育公眾家居減碳的實踐方法,希望藉模擬場景及小遊戲提高大眾對可持續生活模式的認識。Lingnan has resolved to promote sustainable development and education in the subject on both the campus and in the community. The event ‘Mobile Exhibition on Low Carbon Living’, held by the Lingnan Office of Service-learning (OSL) on 20 and 21 August 2024 at Tuen Mun Town Plaza. By showing the community different dressing, dining, transport, and living scenarios, the exhibition presents ways to reduce carbon emissions and the use of energy in daily life, and, to encourage people to be environmentally friendly, upcycled souvenirs were given to players who finished the minigame.