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Lingnan University Official Welcome 2024 嶺南大學迎新典禮 2024

Thu Aug 29, 2024
【嶺南大學喜迎1,300多位本科生】歡迎加入嶺南大學!嶺大於8月26日舉行2024/25學年新生迎新日及開學禮,迎來超過1,300名來自香港、中國內地及海外的本科生加入嶺南大家庭。開學禮由嶺大校長及韋基球數據科學講座教授秦泗釗教授主持,他於致辭時歡迎一眾新生,勉勵他們效法香港運動員在巴黎奧運的拼勁,並鼓勵同學敢於追夢、全力以赴,盡情享受這趟學術旅程,同時踐行嶺大校訓「作育英才,服務社會」,努力為世界帶來有意義的影響。了解更多:【Say hello to over 1,300 new undergraduates at Lingnan! 】Over 1,300 local, Mainland Chinese and overseas undergraduate freshmen for the 2024/25 academic year at Lingnan University were warmly welcomed on 26 August during the New Student Orientation (NSO) Programme 2024 and Official Welcome on campus.The NSO Official Welcome was presided over by Prof S. Joe Qin, President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science, who greeted the students in his welcome address as they embark on a new chapter at Lingnan, encouraging them to learn from the passion of the Hong Kong athletes competing in the Pairs Olympics - dream big and enjoy the journey. He also urged the new students to live up to Lingnan’s motto “Education for Service”, and make a meaningful impact on the world.Read more: #lingnan #liberalarts #OfficialWelcome #嶺南大學 #嶺大 #博雅教育 #開學禮