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Lingnan Hub Topping-out Ceremony 「嶺南坊」平頂儀式

Tue Jan 9, 2024
位於南宿附近的「嶺南坊」於2024年1月5日舉行平頂儀式,「嶺南坊」樓高八層,設有多個不同種類的房間及公共空間,工程於2022年二月展開,展望能於2024/25學年正式啟用。The topping-out ceremony was held on 5 Jan 2024 at Lingnan Hub, an eight-storey building with a variety of rooms and public spaces near the Southern Hostels. The construction of Lingnan Hub began in February 2022, with the aim of officially opening in the academic year of 2024/25.