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Lingnan University hosts establishment ceremony for the School of Data Science 嶺南大學宣布成立數據科學學院

Mon May 13, 2024
【嶺南大學宣布成立數據科學學院 培養全面發展的人工智能及數據科學家】嶺南大學於5月2日舉行成立數據科學學院的揭牌儀式,典禮邀得創新科技及工業局局長孫東教授、大學教育資助委員會(教資會)主席雷添良先生、香港數碼港管理有限公司行政總裁鄭松岩博士、嶺南教育機構主席呂岳枝先生,與嶺大校董會主席姚祖輝先生,以及校長及韋基球數據科學講座教授秦泗釗教授一同主持揭牌儀式。【Lingnan University hosts establishment ceremony for the School of Data Science to cultivate well-rounded AI and data scientists】Lingnan University announced on 2 May 2024 the establishment of the School of Data Science (SDS), and held a plaque-unveiling ceremony officiated by Prof Dong Sun, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Mr Tim Lui Tim-leung, Chairman of the University Grants Committee (UGC), Dr Rocky Cheng Chung-ngam, CEO of Cyberport, Mr Augustine Lui Ngok-che, Chairman of the Lingnan Education Organization, Mr Andrew Yao Cho-fai, Council Chairman of Lingnan University, and Prof S. Joe Qin, President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science.