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Lingnan University Institute for Advanced Study Establishment Ceremony「嶺南高等研究院」成立典禮

Thu Mar 28, 2024
【「嶺南高等研究院」正式成立 匯聚全球頂尖學者🏫】嶺南大學正式成立 「嶺南高等研究院」,並於3月26日舉行揭牌儀式暨院士就職典禮。該研究院將匯聚不同學術領域的國際知名學者和專家,旨在跨越文理科的界限,促進跨學科合作,並融合尖端科技和博雅教育,有助嶺大學生在瞬息萬變的數碼時代下裝備自我。✨了解更多:【Opening ceremony for Lingnan University Institute for Advanced Study to attract world-class scholars 🏫】Lingnan University announced the establishment of the Lingnan University Institute for Advanced Study (LUIAS), and held a plaque-unveiling ceremony and inauguration for Lingnan Fellows on 26 March.LUIAS consists of eminent scholars from all over the world, and experts from diverse academic fields, who will bridge the gap between the sciences and the arts, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and integrating advanced scientific technology with a liberal arts education. The Institute will equip Lingnan students with skills and knowledge to navigate the rapidly changing landscape of the digital age. ✨Read more: