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嶺南大學傳媒新春聚會 Lingnan University Chinese New Year Media Reception

Fri Mar 1, 2024
嶺南大學在2月27日於校園舉行傳媒新春聚會,由校長秦泗釗教授率領一眾管理層,與傳媒朋友分享嶺大的最新發展。秦校長表示嶺大銳意吸納及培養全球頂尖人才,並希望通過一系列的發展計劃,擴大嶺大的全球影響力及持續提升世界排名。了解更多: University held a Chinese New Year media reception on 27 February on campus, where Prof S. Joe Qin, President of Lingnan University, along with senior management members, shared the latest developments of the University with the media.President Qin expressed that Lingnan University is keen to attract and cultivate top talent worldwide and is actively pursuing a series of development plans to expand Lingnan's global influence and continuously improve its world rankings.Read more: